
Scott's Waterworld is proud to have started the FREE pool-side water testing in Calvert County.
It works like this:
- Give us a call: 410-535-9822 and ask for a pool-side water test.
- Scott or our water-analysis tech will come out to your pool usually the next day and test the water and inspect the pump, filter, etc. at no charge to you.
- If your pool water needs balancing (Ph, calcium hardness or stabilizer levels), we can then add what it needs to bring it back to normal levels. (We will have to charge you for the chemicals we put in your pool.) The good news is it's about the same price per pound as it is in our store!
- If you pool has algae, we will need to add a chlorine shock product and/or algae killers. You are charged for the chemicals only.
- You may occur a labor charge of $15-$40 for the following reasons: (This charge is rare but necessary at times.)
- The filter is in need of a back-wash. (No water circulating for chemical applicator.)
- Pool is green and needs brushing to distribute chemicals and loosen algae.
- Skimmer and/or pool pump basket is clogged and is causing no or low water flow.
- Many times, there is nothing your pool needs and there is no charge at all!
- We will leave you a detailed follow-up sheet of your test results, as well as instructions for you to follow.
The water testing is available to you when you need it! We can come out once, twice, whatever your need is. Some customers like us to put them on a 2-3 week cycle.
Give it a try!